L'acquisition de la propreté chez l'enfant

The acquisition of cleanliness in children

The acquisition of cleanliness in children

Toilet training is an important step in a child's development. This marks the transition from using diapers to using the potty or toilet. Every child is different and learns potty training at their own pace, but there are some tips that can help parents with this step.

1. Wait for the right moment

It is essential to wait until the child is physically and mentally ready to begin potty training. There are signs that the child is ready, such as expressing interest in the potty or toilet, being able to stay dry for longer periods of time, or showing discomfort when the diaper is dirty.

2. Create a routine

Establishing a routine helps the child understand when it is time to go to the bathroom. It is recommended to take him to the potty or the toilet at specific times of the day, for example after meals or before bed. This allows the child to become familiar with the process and get into the habit of using the toilet.

3. Encourage and reward

When the child uses the potty or toilet successfully, it is important to encourage and praise them. This builds his confidence and motivation to continue using the toilet. Rewards can be simple, like kind words, hugs, or stickers.

4. Be patient and persistent

Potty training can take time and it is normal for children to have accidents at first. It is important to be patient and not get angry or discouraged. Encourage the child to try again and remind them that this is part of the learning process.


Toilet training in children is an important step that requires time, patience and encouragement. By following these tips, parents can help their child become potty trained in a gradual and positive way.

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