baby in october

Quand bébé apprend à manger seul

When baby learns to eat alone

Here are some tips to support your baby during this important phase. READ MORE...

When baby learns to eat alone

Here are some tips to support your baby during this important phase. READ MORE...

Les couches lavables : une alternative écologique et économique

Washable diapers: an ecological and economical ...

Cloth diapers are becoming more and more popular due to their positive impact on the environment and their economic cost. Unlike disposable diapers, reusable diapers are reusable, which significantly reduces...

Washable diapers: an ecological and economical ...

Cloth diapers are becoming more and more popular due to their positive impact on the environment and their economic cost. Unlike disposable diapers, reusable diapers are reusable, which significantly reduces...

L'acquisition de la propreté chez l'enfant

The acquisition of cleanliness in children

Every child is different and learns potty training at their own pace, but there are some tips that can help parents with this step. READ MORE…

The acquisition of cleanliness in children

Every child is different and learns potty training at their own pace, but there are some tips that can help parents with this step. READ MORE…

La poussée dentaire de bébé

Baby's teething

Teething is an important milestone in your baby's development. This is the time when his first teeth begin to poke through his gums. READ MORE…

Baby's teething

Teething is an important milestone in your baby's development. This is the time when his first teeth begin to poke through his gums. READ MORE…

La méthode Montessori dès la naissance

The Montessori method from birth

This method can be applied from birth, thus promoting the harmonious and fulfilled development of the child. READ MORE...

The Montessori method from birth

This method can be applied from birth, thus promoting the harmonious and fulfilled development of the child. READ MORE...

Que faire si votre enfant a peur du noir ?

What to do if your child is afraid of the dark?

When your child is afraid of the dark, it can be a challenge for you as a parent. READ MORE...

What to do if your child is afraid of the dark?

When your child is afraid of the dark, it can be a challenge for you as a parent. READ MORE...